Sunday, August 24, 2008


So, I have tried this blog thing in the past and didn't have a successful liftoff, but I really love the idea and keeping a journal and rambling on to anyone about anything. I've never been an avid writer - I tend to write (or type) just what thoughts are coming out of my head. These days, I have a lot to think about, and hence, a lot to type about.
Let me introduce myself. My name is Sara. I'm 27 years old and live in beautiful Savannah, GA. I am married to Brooks and we are expecting our first child - baby girl Kendall Reese, due Sept 20. Brooks and I have been married since May 2007 and are super excited about Kendall's impending arrival. I am a nurse, working full time in a busy ER, but that's not what this blog is going to be about -- I don't want to get involved in all the bloggy HIPPA rules - there are so many of them. This blog is going to be about my life - I am about to become a first time mommy and I wanted a way to communicate the happenings of my world to the rest of my family and friends. If it gets too boring for you, please just keep that to yourself, because I really don't care to entertain you.
I will try to update this blog frequently and regularly; however, I have no idea what challenges I am about to embark, so please don't be disappointed if I have a slow start.

1 comment:

BlondeMomBlog (Jamie) said...

Hi Sara! Thanks for linking to me in your sidebar. I love Savannah!

p.s. best of luck to you on the arrival of your baby girl :)